Days of Old, days of gold,
My memories are as autumn shades,
Life was "Nothing special" at the time,
Yet, looking back I can now define,
Those special moments that stand out,
With a warmth and fondness that removes all doubt,
That the "Nothing special" was important to me,
In this life that to others
May seem ordinary.
Days and weeks go quickly by,
New seasons come, time seems to fly,
Strong winds blow, and calm again,
Cold winter snow, then summer rain,
Rivers ever onward flow,
Life moves on, children grow.
Life sometimes hard, and bleak and grey,
For such is life, and nature’s way.
Life can be happy, healthy good,
Feel that way always, wish we could!
Life moves onwards, new sensations,
Yet, all of us need strong foundations.
What never should change, when we take stock,
Is our faith in God, our strength, our rock.
A gentle Spring morning, the sun and blue sky,
Delicate white clouds, floating high,
I walked up a steep path, into the trees,
Tall branches filtered sun, calm shelter from breeze.
A timeless rustling of leaves,
Restless movements of air,
As the wind high above rushed to who knows where,
Wildflowers of blue, lilac, yellow around,
Birds singing above me, their own sweet sound.
I felt at peace with the world, aware of creation,
A beautiful, warm, uplifting sensation.
I wandered endlessly on, not once did I tire,
‘Till end of day came, the sky alive with fire,
The red, orange and purple, its beauty show,
Sunset o’er distant mountains, melted into a glow.
I prayed inwardly to God, and felt heightened awareness,
My soul in harmony with creation,
Through nature’s sweet caress.
Through life I travelled every day,
Somewhere, I took the wrong path, on my way,
Hostile people stopped me, wanting fight,
The fight had no winners, no wrong or right,
Fighting ended because I showed care,
People now accepted me, friendship to share.
I travelled again on this unknown path,
Hunger and thirst, no rod, no staff.
I came across food, replenished my supply,
A voice in the distance for food did cry,
I tried to ignore them, my food was my own,
I turned back to help, I had spiritually grown
I fed the poor stranger, offered my hand,
To a place on the path, food abundance land
I moved on, my search, emptiness inside,
A search for love to heal pain, deep down I did hide,
Path went over mountains, heat and cold,
My clothes were but rags, I felt weary, old,
In search of greater meaning, fulfilment, and truth,
Inner happiness I hadn’t found whilst in my youth.
I travelled further on this path, rounded a bend,
My path went two ways to journey’s end,
The first was for learning, hard lessons I’d seen,
The second, now open, almost a dream,
I took this second path, better in deeds and thought,
Now caring for others, from lessons life had taught,
Then I saw a Light ahead, as I rested by a tree,
My beautiful Guardian Angel waiting all along for me.
A hundred doves swept o’er the sky,
White, innocent beauty, they did fly,
and circled back, I knew not why,
Rising, falling, before my eye,
A oneness, yes, a oneness, I couldn’t deny.
One dove broke away, glided down to me near
Wanting to be close, no wild bird fear.
This single dove, was of all doves ever,
as if the only one,
In its beauty, oneness of every dove,
since Creation, time begun.
A message came across that when we pray,
A part of Heaven's Oneness may come our way,
A fleeting moment to worship,
that our lives be blessed,
To pray for hopes, needs,
and ask forgiveness.
I feel love as energy, I see colours of every flower,
I see nature in glory, Creation's finest hour,
Love's radiant colours, as a rainbow sky,
O'er dawn and sunset, I am free to fly.
Flying onward, I see colours turn pure white,
A new scene before me, beautiful and bright,
Pure radiance of the Heavenly Light.
I feel love as never known before,
Joy, elation, warm and pure,
Love, as coming home can be,
Warm embrace envelops me,
Tears of joy run down my cheek,
Lost for words, no need to speak.
Simply for us, a Heaven of love,
Unconditional love that shines above,
A Oneness for all whose hearts are good.,
Life's meaning revealed, and understood,
Joy in eternity, existing as love.
You were here yesterday,
now you're gone, passed away,
Cruel death has victory.
News came swift that you had died,
It couldn't be, I screamed, denied,
Grief took hold, I cried and cried.
There are no answers from the world around,
In your religion is salvation found?
Busy world knows not what to say,
Like an express train on their way,
Material lives, living for today.
Science claims answers in this modern world,
We are but dust, we have no soul,
rich or poor, boy or girl.
My grief takes hold, and overwhelming,
Bewildered, lost, darkness closing in,
Can't accept won't see you again.
My eyes are blind, but you can see,
I just don't feel you near to me.
Your soul is near, you still exist,
Life's cruel illusion is a mist.
Your soul is free of all the pain,
Yet, you're surprised, you are the same,
Heaven is beautiful, you know that now,
Others you loved are there somehow.
Heaven is real, green valleys and trees,
Flowers caressed by gentle breeze,
No pain, no fear, love is the air,
A place like home, ready for you there.
You try to reach to tell me this,
Yet, the wall between us, impenetrable mist,
of material world teaching souls don't exist,
Leaves me trapped in grief,
Time stops, I twist... and cry.
Someone called my name – no-one there,
I heard it again – from where?
Perhaps imagination, yet, inner-feelings, new sensation
Heightened awareness, inspiration.
I must help others, I must show care,
New ideas in my mind, guiding me – where?
Yes, I now see it clearly, people suffering out there.
I know it won’t be a perfect way,
Somehow, I’ll help others each day,
No longer thinking just about me,
Money, pleasure, living selfishly.
A new driving force, like fire within,
I must get started, I must begin,
Trying to help others, new goals in sight,
It matters more that I try, than to always get it right.
Touching lives, kindness, goodness, share,
Giving, helping, my new purpose is to care.
I was greeted at the door, I felt welcomed, and walked in,
Another group of strangers, booked for clairvoyant reading:
“Our family want to hear whatever you can say,
But first please meet my Mum,
Just follow me this way”
In the middle of the home, a room... bed, table, flowers,
Two armchairs, and tv to while away the hours,
Of a lady age late sixties, nicely dressed, on her own,
Living with her family, yet somehow quite alone
“I see your husband in spirit”, I couldn’t help but say
“A man who truly loved you, and still loves from far, away”
The lady smiled, then her eyes dropped, “Can I continue?” words I said,
She whispered “Yes” and I revealed, my vision, a hospital bed,
Her husband pale, on life support, a doctor stood nearby,
I told this lady my vision, she began to cry,
“I killed him, I took his life, for six years I’ve hid away,
I haven’t left this room, I stopped my life that day”
Shocked by her painful outburst, then my vision came more clear,
The doctor asked permission, “No hope for him my dear,
to switch off life support”, the lady froze with fear
I was looking at the scene, as if a bird’s –eye view,
She left the ward just walking, not knowing what to do
The scene played out in front of me, shortly she returned.
The doctor turned to see, inside her feelings burned,
In spirit her husband came, his lifeless body set him free,
He whispered in her ear:
"Please say “Yes” and release me".
And “Yes” is what she said, not knowing how she could,
She blamed herself for saying yes, and didn’t want to live
I described to her my vision, “Oh my.... you couldn’t know this,
I believe you, and now I see husband wanted this”,
"I know now I didn’t kill him, no longer carry blame"
I said “Your husband wants to see you... live your life again”
I left her to give more readings, then at the evening’s end,
I went into the lounge, and was greeted like a friend,
“Mum’s life is no longer on hold, tomorrow she wants to go shopping,
New life, new strength, Mum’s back, after years of praying and hoping!"
To the world I'm just a number, along with all the rest,
Never getting anywhere or earning much,
Although I always keep trying my best,
I know I'll never be famous, and wealth never comes my way,
What little I earn goes on food and home,
As I struggle through each day.
So, what colour is there in my life? I ask myself many times.
The same work and routines every day
Are the usual experience of mine.
Yet what of the rich and famous
With their houses and property Fine?
For a person can only make use of
One room and one chair at a time.
We are all breathing same air as each other,
And however our friendships are sought
The best and truest of friends can never, ever be bought.
A scenic view and the beauty of nature
Are things that we all can see,
And the experience of sport, art, and music
Can cost little, and often found free.
So, when I think of myself as a number, it's only an emotional test,
The truth is we all are important,
Yes, you and I are as good as the Best!
The first of May 1999, an Archangel appeared before me, Divine
Spring morning, sun shining, air sweet as wine,
Yet the beauty and radiance before me a sign...from Heaven
I bowed down in fear, but fear did not last,
Archangel before me, from Holy Scriptures past,
His flowing robes, radiant, shone so bright as I saw,
A face of understanding, a moment beyond awe.
I was drawn to His eyes, full of love I was seeing,
He knew who I was, knew my life, knew my being,
Unconditional love, and forgiveness for mistakes I was feeling.
“Come with me” was the message, and I swiftly did rise,
A path of light from Heaven, then to my surprise,
Into view came a place of landscape, beauty, so real,
Green valleys, trees, flowers, vivid colours, I could feel.
The air that I breathed was unconditional love,
All around me, surrounding, and a sense of Higher Heavens above.
“This is “First Heaven”, Archangel did say,
“A place of rest for souls when they leave life’s day”,
I could see people in joy, as they danced in this place,
Where all good souls enter from our human race
There were houses and gardens, and white buildings too,
A library in Heaven holding a book of life for you.
Archangel, radiant, up again we did rise,
To a Higher Heaven of cloud, and to my surprise,
Angels were working, planning and healing life,
Helping those on Earth through adventures and strife.
The Angels nearby turned towards me and smiled,
They bowed down to Archangel, and I stopped for a while,
Above me a Light of Third Heaven of our Creator
The Source of all Purpose, God of Love, and our Saviour
.....Jesus Christ with the Father
“It is time to return,” Archangel did say:
“I have a purpose for you, to help others each day,
“The Angels will bring visions and messages to you,
For those in grief from bereavement, so you can help them through”.
“Another gift will be healing, though your body be weak,
The Angels will bring healing, for those who seek...Healing from you”,
“A gift of seeing the First Heaven, whenever you need,
A gift of knowledge of Life’s meaning
The Universe, the Seed...Of Life”
I suddenly was back, my feet on the ground,
Archangel was gone,
No-one near but the sound
Of a perfect Spring morning,
Birds singing around,
...With the joy of Life
In stillness, look at a beautiful flower,
A bloom of colour, and fragrance,
- Nature’s finest hour
In stillness, gaze at night-time sky,
The stars, the universe,
- And wonder why.
In stillness, let spirit wonder free,
Sense the love of God,
- True reality.
In stillness, and peace,
Inwardly pray,
For strength and guidance
On life’s difficult way.
In stillness you may find
That time matters not,
Timeless peace rediscovered,
- Perhaps almost forgot